
Food sovereignty and the issues associated with the artificial chemicals & processes that exist in mass industrial agriculture is relevant to every human being. The reality is that the food the majority of us buy and consume today has been farmed using artificial compounds, such as pesticides, fertilisers and weed killers. These man made additions are detrimental to the health of our bodies, animals, the waterways we drink from and the longevity of the land.

This series steps back in time to the 1950’s post world war II, when chemical weapons of war left the battlefront and were used in the fields for crops and in the home for domestic use. This so-called ‘green revolution’ pushed farms to be bigger and grow more food, all at the expense of soil health, human health and a way of life more connected with the land. 

The characters in this conceptual portrait series have been created to illustrate the normalised presence of chemicals that exist in our homes, in our food and on commonly on mass agriculture farms. Dealing with a darker subject, I wanted to approach this project with an element of play and satire. It was my hope to promote more awareness around the hidden realities present in the food we eat and how it comes to be on a dinner plate. 

Living closely alongside a regenerative small scale farming community, I was enthusiastic to explore this narrative and lift the veil on topics that easily go unspoken about.
